Top 8 Topics Business Owners Should Know About the IRS & Taxes

Top 8 Topics Business Owners Should Know About the IRS & Taxes

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1. Institutional Personality of the IRS

a. Documents, Documents, Documents

b. Do the Right Thing

2. Choose Your Tax Professional Wisely

a. No Educational/License Requirement for Federal Tax Professionals

3. Leverage Free Resources to Work Effectively with the IRS

a. Congressional Reps

b. TAS

4. Penalties – IRS’ First Time Abate Policy

5. Why It’s in the Taxpayer’s Best Interest to Cooperate with the IRS in Audits-Burden Shift

6. Three Bites of the Apple – Exam, Appeals, Chief Counsel

7. Who Watches the IRS? (TIGTA)

8. How Does the IRS Select People to Audit? (DIF, information matching, referrals,



Anthony Kim specializes in assisting clients with Federal and state tax matters. He has worked over 26 years as an attorney with the Office of Chief Counsel, Internal Revenue Service, as a legal adviser and has litigated some of the most complex tax issues for the U.S. Treasury Department. In addition to his government background, Tony worked in the private sector as an Executive Director of Tax Controversy and Risk Management Services with Ernst & Young,
LLP (E&Y) from 2008-2009. In this role, Tony represented Fortune 500 companies and high net worth individuals assisting them to optimize tax planning opportunities and representing his clients before the IRS in audits. Tony has served as an instructor at IRS training sessions and as an adjunct professor at Golden Gate University Graduate School of Taxation (19 years) and at St. Mary’s College (9 years). Tony has been married 30 years to Michelle. Michelle worked at Accenture, a consulting firm, as the global HR director before taking on the role of senior VP of
strategic partnerships with TGR Foundation, a Tiger Woods charity.

This program is sponsored by the SBA Community Navigator Pilot Program (CNPP). The CNPP program is an initiative funded through President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, to strengthen SBA support for small business and underserved business by connecting them to national, state, and local resources. The USPAACC-WEST serves as one of 15 nationwide spokes under USPAACC to assist in this initiative.

The CNPP program was designed to help small business, with a focus on those owned by veterans, women, and socially and economically disadvantaged individuals  including in rural and urban communities that had been hit the hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic and severe economic impacts. Through the SBA Community Navigator Pilot Program, the USPAACC-WEST offers a host of FREE consultation services, training and resources to small businesses.

For more information email us at [email protected]